Favorite Games!
Alright so gaming. Games are like my lifeblood! My relaxation, inspiration, and all them good vibes. What is my FAVORITE game though? Gonna be honest, I can't really choose so here's some that hit me in the feels real good!

The Mother series (of course) really hits me hard in the heart! Especially Mother 3. The Love theme makes me sob like a freaking baby (if you know, you KNOW)! I highly recommend JRPG fans to play at least the 2nd and 3rd game!
A Hat in Time

Platform gamers grab your hats! No seriously, a Hat in Time is one of the most charming platformers I've ever played (yup even with my bias for Banjo-Kazooie)! It's not very long but honestly, it doesnt need to be! The characters and music is just so good and compliment the environment and story super nice! Not to mention if your playing on PC the modding community is just so insane! Just trust me and give this one a try!
The Splatoon Trilogy

Last one cause I'll be talking all day otherwise! Splatoon! Not any specific one by the way just all of them! Although the further you go there are more quality of life changes. Each one has something unique to it in my opinion. I gotta say though the vibes of Splatoon 3 are honestly my favorite so far. The main game is super fun and I love the concept of claiming the most turf rather than kills to win! Can't forget even though multiplayer is the star of the show, they do NOT skimp out on that story and sweet sweet in universe lore! Not a game for everyone but honestly, if you ever have time just dive into the lore of the world cause its just super intresting and not what you'd expect from nintendo current age!